Registration to the Program Romanian Diaspora StartUp is now open!
We have started the implementation of a very ambitious and useful project for the Romanians living abroad. We are going to support entrepreneurship for those who are in Diaspora and want to start a new business in Romania, in a partnership formed by SMART Development Center from Galati, Young Entrepreneurs Association from the South – East Region of Romania and The League of Romanian Students Living Abroad.

The project Diaspora Invest has three main stages:
- Entrepreneurship training for 250 Romanians living abroad and organizing a business plan competition where we will select 30 beneficiaries of seed funding valued at EUR 40,000 each, to start a business in Romania.
- Business plan implementation and investment.
- Business development.
There are some eligibility criteria to join the project: the Romanian residency has to be outside of Bucharest – Ilfov region, the business has to be established in a city except for Bucharest – Ilfov region, the age limit is over 18 years old, the residency abroad has to be of minimum 12 months prior to the project registration, proof of some experience in the field of the desired business, including work, other related business attempt or knowledge.
So, to enroll, you need to sign up at the link http://diasporainvest.ro/inscrie-te/ , to be appointed to the entrepreneurship course. We were careful to recruit the best trainers, who have practical experience in doing business in Romania . The courses will be held online and will take 40 hours to complete. We will tackle issues like business strategy, business implementation, organisational chart, human resources policy, product / services / works description, market analysis, competition analysis, cash flow, to name just a few.
We are going to award certificates at the end of the courses but, more importantly, we are going to create a business community with experience around the world, that will help us start the business we are dreaming at, with passion. We now have the resources to do that :).
I will come back with more news. Meantime, I can be contacted at roprea2000@gmail.com for further information.
About Diaspora Invest in the mass-media:
- Capital.ro – Romanians from Diaspora can open start-up businesses in Romania.
- Presa Galati – The Project „Diaspora Invest” in launched, to support Romanians living abroad start a business in Romania.
The project Diaspora Invest is funded by the European Commission’s Human Resources Operational Program, Priority Axis 3: Jobs for everyone, Specific obiective 3.7: Support for companies in non-agricultural fields.