Update on the status of our seed funding projects
Here is a brief update on the status of the current projects that allow us to award seed funding for start-up businesses:
Start UP Smart 2.0 where we are funding 42 new start-ups with approximately EUR 33,000 each, under the framework of Romania Start Up Plus Program – we are finishing the training phase and by the end of August, we are going to start preparations for our business plan competition. We managed to train over 300 people in entrepreneurship skills and by the end of this phase, we will probably stop at 370-380 graduates! (www.startupsmart.ro)
Diaspora Invest where we are funding 30 new start-ups with EUR 40,000 each for Romanians living abroad, under the framework of Diaspora Start Up Program – we are still recruiting people for our online business courses at www.diasporainvest.ro.
Cudalbi 2020 where we are funding 20 new start-ups with approximately EUR 25,000 each, to the residents of Cudalbi village from Galati county – we finished the training stage and are now preparing for the business plan competition. We managed to train over 120 residents of Cudalbi in entrepreneurship skills, who are now eligible for the next phase, the business plan contest.
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