SMART Method of Public Policy

Preview of the launching ceremony of SMART Method of Public Policy

SMART Method of Public Policy is using the citizen engagement platform called "Public Policies Made by Citizens" available at, to tackle problems of European public concern
SMART Method of Public Policy is using the citizen engagement platform called "Public Policies Made by Citizens" available at, to tackle problems of European public concern

The launching ceremony of SMART Method of Public Policy in Romania and at a European level will unfold on Thursday, September 23, 2010. The event is hosted by the Information Office of the Council of Europe in Romania, beginning with 10:00 AM. SMART Method is being developed with funding from the European Commission’s Youth in Action Program – Action 1.3 (Projects for Participative Democracy).

There will be approximately 40-50 young participants affiliated to various NGOs or unaffiliated, representatives of some public institutions, representatives of the mass-media, and possibly some politicians. Here are some of the organizations that have confirmed their presence:

I have to say that invitations were sent to NGOs with relevant activity in the field of participative democracy, representatives of the political parties and representatives of public institutions, to bring all the relevant stakeholders at the same table. This way, we will get the best feedback to solve the first problems of public concern. The event will be recorded with the help of Extreme Training and will be available on the Internet.

PS: I have been waiting for this day for almost three years now! 🙂