Conferinta Internationala in Economie si Administratie 2011
Conferinta Internationala de Economie si Administratie (ICEA) este organizata in fiecare an de Facultatea de Administratie si Afaceri din Universitatea Bucureşti. Ea ofera un cadru adecvat de intalnire intre cercetatori, oameni de stiinta, specialisti si studenti din toate ramurile economiei si administratiei. Anul acesta am participat cu lucrarea “Entrepreneurship in times of economic and financial crises; methods of adaptation and survival.” Lucrarea a fost acceptata pentru publicare in revista Manager a Facultatii de Administratie si Afaceri din Universitatea din Bucuresti, care este indexata in bazele de date internationale EBSCO.
Iata cateva concluzii din lucrare: The problems that small and medium-sized enterprises face during economic and financial crises have direct and strong implications on the local communities. These are affected by increased social problems generated by the measures that the companies are taking. The research has shown that the adaptation and survival methods of SMEs during crises is a function of layoffs, reduced activity and reduced to none investment. Layoffs determine greater pressure on the social protection policies and diminish the local expenditure on goods and services. The diminished expenditures on goods and services determine a chain effect that spreads to other consumer-goods businesses, credit reimbursements, and various services. This situation requires governmental intervention to protect the increasing number of poor. The measures that were successful in Thailand’s response to the 1997 economic crisis and that seem to work in the Romanian environment include “an improvement to the strategic design and coordination of the social policy, protection measures to the poor and to the elderly, strengthened social protection of workers, and improved monitoring of living standards.” These measures require intervention at the macroeconomic level, with results to be seen on a short to a medium period of time. From this regard, managers that were interviewed seem to have been objective when stating that recovery is to be seen within the next two years.