Young Entrepreneurs Association
The Young Entrepreneurs Association from the South - East Region of Romania.
See you at Open Hub
Wednesday, June 21, I’ll be attending a workshop about the Program Romania Start Up Nation. We will be discussing tips and tricks regarding how to submit a project to this daring program. The meeting…
Some thoughts after the visit of the US Ambassador to Galati and Braila
At the invitation of the National Council for SMEs, the U.S. Ambassador to Romania, HE Hans Klemm, visited Galati and Braila counties to meet entrepreneurs, local authorities, the mass-media and to open an American…
About passion and entrepreneurship, at Bookland Evolution
I had the pleasure to talk to high schools students about entrepreneurship, at the BookLand conference in Galati. Lecturing is an exciting experience!
See you at Bookland!
Friday, November 18, we meet at Bookland, at V.A. Urechia Library, from 14:30 – 16:30, to talk about business start-up. If you want to be ready to access start-up funding next year, it…
The practice of funding business ideas based on a chart needs to stop!
All the funding schemes for SMEs are now based on charts. The business plan is no longer important which is a major policy problem. This practice needs to stop and replaced with a…
Objectives as Vicepresident of the National Council of SMEs from Romania
Probably the most important volunteer job that I have at the moment is Vicepresident of the National Council of SMEs from Romania. The member companies have together over 650,000 employees and a total…
About start-ups and government at Profit LIVE
I had a great conversation with Daniel Apostol, former manager of The Money Channel TV and founder of Profit LIVE, an online broadcasting platform. This was also my first experience on a live…
Start UP Smart Project Has Ended
The year 2015 was dedicated almost entirely to implementing a very complex project that brought so many opportunities to young entrepreneurs from 13 Romanian counties. The “Start UP Smart” project helped 42 winners…
“Yes I Can” Project Has Ended
The objective of this daring project that lasted for a year and a half was to diminish gender inequalities in the Romanian society by encouraging integration on the labor market of 290 women…